Getting Good

I observe that numerous blog posts about getting good are secretly about the author rationalizing why what it is that they do is valuable. I will try and avoid that trap but still write down some of the things that I was thinking about when I was waiting for the computer to compile my code today.

How to get good:

Firstly, have some kind of critical reflective practice. I make no pretense of knowing how to do this as learning reflective practice is a kind of Wicked Problem.

Secondly, listen more than you speak. When applying this principle to coding, it means to read more code than you write. Make sure that you investigate how the code that you intend to be changing is used and what its responsibilities are before you change it.

Thirdly, have mutable opinions. That is, you should still hold opinions since otherwise you will be indecisive. But be prepared to graciously change your opinions when they are wrong.